
hadokenmaterials.io (BETA)

The High Throughput Machine Learning Materials Design Platform


Gap Type - Space Group - Deep Learning

Machine Learning Home

Use this model created via deep learning for fast and accurate predictions of a material's gap type using stoichiometry and space group.

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Enter the corresponding values to try the approximation for yourself.

Specify the full stoichiometry

** Use of this web page reqiures correct Citing and attribution in any or all work and/or papers produced from results generated by this service.


You can access the single-attribute band gap predictor here:

URL format: /api/v{Version}/MachineLearning/GapType/SpaceGroup


    "spaceGroup": 129,
    "stoichiometry": "Ag10O8P2Te2"

JSON - response

    "halfMetal": 0.0000000001208971313097922044;
    "insulatorDirect": 0.0276288844767050804013304393;
    "insulatorDirectSpinPolarised": 0.000000000000000000333201382;
    "insulatorIndirect": 0.972054870642805564504263858;
    "insulatorIndirectSpinPolarised": 0.0000000000001151086947130958;
    "metal": 0.0003162447594771147566990205;
    "spaceGroup": 129,
    "stoichiometry": "Ag10O8P2Te2"

XML - response

<GapTypeSpaceGroupModel xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


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